Summary and spoilers
In the last episode, Michael and Fiona spent the night together. Now Fiona wants the relationship to become something more than a friendly one night stand. When Michael starts spending more time with his big dossier and not enough time paying attention to her, Fiona conveniently takes Tom, a handsome young fugitive, under her wing. Fiona enlists Michael to clear Tom of a charge of stealing a two million dollar broach. To do so, Michael must pose as a buyer and get the real thief to bring the broach out into the open, then get the police involved. It all backfires when the mark discovers that he is being conned.
To further his burn notice investigation, Michael makes a deal with Libyans agents to provide some intelligence in exchange for the Libyans naming Phillip Cowan (the NSA agent that either burned Michael or has information on who did) as a friend – while they are being eavesdropped. It certainly gets Phillip’s attention – Michael can expect to be hearing from him soon, and it may not be a pleasant visit.
Burn Notice Quotes
Barry: Name’s Christo – like Madonna, with the whole one name thing.
Sam: Like Charo -
Barry: Sting
Sam: Fergie
Barry: Pele
Sam: Spiderman
Barry: Liberace
Sam: [pauses] Crap, I can’t think of any more.
"Oh, and by the way, I should mention I went through your fridge when you were out. Do you know actually it’s one of the most frequently used hiding places? [holds up diamond bracelet] Found this in the orange sherbet. I assume you’re holding it for someone. I’ll keep it until our job is finished. Until then, you keep your mouth shut about our little chat."
- Michael (to Christo the Fence)
Sam: Mixing romance and work is a bad idea. Veronica, just the other day, she asked me if bullets came in different sizes. Isn’t that the cutest thing you’ve ever heard?
Michael: That is so adorable.
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